Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The beginning of everything.

Life truly is a box of chocolates. 

Whoever wrote that line is brilliant, BRILLIANT I tell you! You never know what you're going to get.

These last few years of my life have been full of patience, anticipation, stops and starts, fear, anger, joy and acceptance. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I know I will enjoy getting there. Because you only get one life* (personal reincarnation belief disclaimer) and it should be FUN.

As my favorite postcard says....

So in that vein.... there are so many people and places and activities and ideas and movies and things to eat and things to drink and places to travel and and and and and and and and and that make me happy... it seems wrong to just talk about one as they all make up life's little joys. 

So welcome to the blog about food, art, fashion, travel, restaurants and general Erin life adventures. Hope you enjoy! 

(I promise not to tell you only about hotels, restaurants and fashion you can't afford. Sorry GP, I love ya, but Goop..... sigh......)

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