Friday, June 7, 2013

London!! Part Two

Day Two began... later than planned. I blame jet-lag.

After a day of work meetings I met up with one of my favorite people, Louise, and off we went for dinner at Byron Burger. Everyone had said to me 'You have to try Byron burger, it's so good', or some variation on the theme. So I did. And it was (dramatic music here) not so good. I live in America, and if there's one thing we do well, it's burgers. Though the UK often matches our skill, it was not the case here. But we got beer- wae hae! And I got to try a very tasty Wit brewed in London and not available in the States. And that's always fun.

Then we pub crawled our way through Fulham, fancy pub crawled. We did have a destination... we just never made it there.

I woke the next morning and decided I need to drag my lazy bum out of bed and for a run. It was overcast, it was threatening sheets of rain, it was perfect. Along the Thames I went!

what a pretty house boat!

Then it was off to another meeting... and finally meeting Louise at Borough Market, one of my ultimate favorite places in London. If you've never been and you like food or wine or beer, you need to run there. Quickly.

Borough Market is the country's most renowned food market and has been synonymous with food since 1014, possibly earlier. It is settled in the shadow of London Bridge and is home to over 100 food and beverage vendors- all locally grown and made foods. The high standards of produce is controlled by a food quality panel that governs Borough Market. Farmers, cheese mongers, bakers... they come right from their farms to the market to your mouth to your belly. It's a delicious, and healthy, process.

We wandered through.... and salivated....

The entrance
chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate

See? You want to go now don't you?

We tubed it back to Soho to meet some friends for dinner (even though our bellies were quite full) and I said a very sad goodbye to Louise. I miss her so! But the rest of my time would be 100% wedding focused. 

I moved to a hotel closer to the wedding festivities, the Tune Hotel at Kings Cross. It's a new super cheap hotel with three locations in London: Kings Cross, Liverpool Street and Westminster and is fantastic value for your money. You can get a room for as little as $60/night in Central London! The chain is Asian and have hotels all over Asia, they've recently expanded into London and Edinburgh. 
The style is minimalist and clean, the rooms are smaller, but the bathrooms are large and pristine and it feels like a proper hotel, not some cheap crappy budget hotel. Let's face it, I'm a bit of a snob and I just can't do budget hotels. My friend made me stay with her in one in Earls Court 8 years ago... bunk beds... I still have nightmares.

All settled, I power napped then jumped on the tube and headed for Camden. Let the wedding festivities begin!

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