Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Journey of a Shirt

People say I am simply a shirt. I am not. I have feelings, needs, desires. My job is to represent a Pilates studio in Atlanta, GA called Core Pilates and Gyrotonic and I love it. I spend everyday there, encouraging people to work out, sweat, stretch, learn to enjoy themselves! But like everyone else, sometimes I need a vacation. So I begged and pleaded and finally was allowed to tag along with a Core devotee on my first trip to London.

I'm so glad I fit in her suitcase because after much internet searching, I learned that tickets are really expensive.

We stopped by the first-class lounge on the way to our plane, as you do. I had a cocktail as I watched the planes.

The journey was long, especially in the cargo hold, but we made it. I passed customs successfully and boarded the Heathrow Express for our journey to Paddington station.
It felt nice to stretch out.

Got to the hotel, unpacked, then decided to go for a run through Hyde Park. It was a gorgeous day, people complain about rain, but I say- what rain? It's London baby!

We saw horses, school children playing soccer (excuse me, football) beautiful flowers as it was the week of the Chelsea flower show, but whew, after that adventure, I had to take a nap. In fact, I slept all the way through until the next day. Jet-lag is no joke.

Day 2, the sun is out, absolutely gorgeous day. We decided to jump on a Boris bike and go for a ride through town.

In our sightseeing we rode past Big Ben-
Westminster Abbey-
and the London Eye-
It is a remarkably beautiful city. 

After our trek my travel mate had meetings she needed to attend to, so I did what every British citizen does at half past 5- I went to the pub.
It was quite the adventure. I discovered my preference for ales over lagers; that I love to say 'bugger' before most any word; and that snooker and pool are not the same game! Fun.

The next day we jumped on the tube-

Popped in to the local Yoga/Pilates studio to say hello-

Then made our way to Camden to meet up with friends. Another gorgeous day. Chilly, but beautiful.
Camden Lock

mmmm.... love oranges

It warmed up quickly so we headed to Regent's Park to tan ourselves. I tried to teach them about narrowing, but they told me to ssshh and enjoy the sunshine.
Alas, no tan for me, the English sun is not my friend.

Clouds started to descend on our luxurious day and by the next day it was overcast- overcast, but rain-free. We took the opportunity to go for one more run, this time along the Thames in Chelsea.

And then afterward a quick trip to the National Gallery of Art-
they were setting up for a concert, shame I missed it, I love to sing

 I love to pose for photos too. Obv.

Back on the tube and off to Heathrow. 

I had such a lovely trip abroad, the people are so nice and the scenery so fantastic. I wonder what country I'll visit next????

Monday, May 27, 2013

London!! Part One

The most difficult thing about attending a university across the ocean is missing the everyday nonsense of friendship. You miss those moments that are seemingly purposeless, but make the best memories. My closest friend from uni was getting married this past weekend in London and it was without a second's hesitation the ticket was booked and I was on my way.
I used to live in London and I miss it everyday. People can moan and bitch about the weather but just ignore them and pack your bags. It's a fascinating city that I maintain a relatively successful love affair with and wouldn't hesitate in encouraging anyone to travel to or better yet, move to.

Now you understand my euphoria and the journey hadn't yet begun. 

I got to the airport on a beautiful sunny day (thank God as I have a little turbulence paranoia) to find out my coach ticket had been upgraded to business class. Even though I travel a lot for work, a free upgrade across the ocean was unexpected and THRILLING. I was totally casual when they escort me to the first class lounge, cool as a cucumber when the flight attendant handed me that first glass of champagne while asking for my dinner order-
I mean, come on.

After my journey in luxury, I landed at the godforsaken early hour of 6am. We had to circle a bit because Heathrow has a 6am sound curfew, no plane can land before then, and apparently we'd traveled at the speed of sound and gotten there an hour early.

In a perfect example of efficiency, I was off the plane, through passport control, got my bag and through customs in 25 minutes. Dear Atlanta airport, you could learn a few lessons here.

Heathrow Express bound and to Paddington in 20 minutes.

I dragged my suitcase to the Hotel Indigo, where my friend was letting me crash for a few nights, and after a quick unpack, I began my London Day One ritual: a run in Hyde Park. I love running in Hyde Park. It's so beautiful and the fresh air kicks the shit out of my jet lag. 
Hello swanies

Hyde Park horse riding

That evening I met a friend for dinner at Wahaca in Soho. 
Wahaca is a Mexican market restaurant with seven locations around London and delicious, fresh food that arrives at your table as soon as it's made. It's not like the typical, heavy Mexican places you eat at in the States, it's light and easy and fresh. 

The space is as impressive as the food. The design is fun; it feels creative and well thought out without any pretension. The tequila bar downstairs is a gem and has some pretty amazing knock-you-on-your-ass margaritas. A very informative sign directs you:

I made it all the way to 11pm before the jet-lag started, and I have to say, I was pretty impressed with myself. I waved hello to my friend then face-planted onto the bed. The London adventure had officially begun.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Working in our Nation's Capital

Recently, I was in DC to film a television show. Filming in DC is always a challenge. You have many pieces of government that must be involved in every detail of what you're doing, which is difficult and time-consuming. People who work there regularly maneuver the waters like pros, which is why it's so important to hire local production companies if you need to shoot in our nation's capital.

I used to work there regularly and I like to think I can still navigate some of the rules, for example: the jurisdiction for the roads, curbs, and sidewalks are all under different branches of the government (DC Police, Secret Service, Park Police) and even then it depends on what part of the city you are in. On some streets the flag poles are DC Police jurisdiction, some streets they're not. See? A challenge. Add to that rules that are constantly changing and a Film Office that does not much to help. BUT! If you know how to navigate, you are golden. 

DC has fantastic crews, some of my favorite in the business. Super professional and fast-moving. I like them very much. And as many, many people will tell you, I am super picky about film crews. Praise indeed.

Here's a quick behind-the-scenes post about the magic of making a movie. 

The "magic" begins early, like 4am early, as we wait for the trucks to land.

And all of the gear to be offloaded.
The sun came up like a slingshot. I swear it was dark and then light in two seconds. My eyes were very confused.

Our camera guy wheeling in the camera equipment.

At craft service I learned the best news of the day! Swedish Fish are a fat-free food. Whey-hey.

Our location manager speaking to one of our cops.... maybe he heard me making fun of all the cops wheeling around DC on segways...

He's coming to get you!

After a long day on set, my desk looks like a madhouse and there is still tons to do. Like watching the 1st AD do a sleep-deprived dance, which I have to admit, was incredibly entertaining.

We decided that instead of ending the day with much needed sleep, we would go have oysters at Old Ebbitt (where we renamed our waiter Alex, instead of Steve. We thought this was hilarious, he did not...)
photo courtesy of Sally Gary
and then finally, actually end the 20 hour day with the most delicious treat in the world... the sour cherry pavlova at The Hamilton. Unlike Swedish Fish, this is not a fat-free food. But worth every bite.

It was a fun shoot, and I look forward to going back, but DC has a short life-span with me and after a week, I am ready to go. Goodbye Nation's Capitol! I will see you again soon.

Next week I am off to London for some meetings and one of my best friend's weddings. I need to find a hotel room desperately! Off to search....